Top Five Reasons Why Summer is Good For the Soul

We’ve just survived a horrible winter, one of the worst on the books so it’s nice to finally experience some warm weather. In addition to just having a better attitude (and lower heating bills) summer is good for the soul for many wonderful reasons. If you haven’t gotten spring fever yet, don’t worry, the dog days of summer will soon be upon us. Here are the top five reasons summer is good for the soul.


During the winter months many of us experience SAD or Season Affective Disorder in part caused by lack of sunlight. Shorter days can produce weight gain, lower energy and depression. During the summer months we spend less time on the couch eating comfort food and more time outside soaking up vitamin D (be sure to use sunscreen). Spending even just a few minutes outdoors on a lovely summer day can do wonders to lift a bad mood.


Because the days are longer we spend a lot more time outdoors during the summer months. Whether we’re out there for a stroll after a dinner or a pick up game of baseball we’re getting more exercise and exercise is a great mood lifter.

Eating Better

During the summer months we eat better. There is a wider variety of fruits and vegetables available during the summer months and we crave lighter fare that tends to be healthy. Don’t worry; an occasional ice cream cone is also good for the soul.


Summer time is a more relaxed time.  We take more vacations and more long weekends during the summer months. And, when we do take a day off they are generally more relaxing. Holidays during the winter months can be stressful while summer time holidays tend to be more laid back and informal.

Fewer Illnesses

Because we aren’t cooped up breathing in everyone else’s germs we tend to have fewer colds and flus during the warmer months. Studies have also shown that an increase in vitamin D can help deter the flu.

These are just some of the reasons the summer months are good for the soul. From walking along a quiet beach with a loved one to rediscovering how much fun it is to watch the clouds roll by there are a million reasons to enjoy the warm weather but most of all because winter is just around the corner.

~Anna Lamden MA, MS, LPC