Top Five Reasons You Need a Good Nights Sleep

According to the Mayo Clinic an adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep each night however a study completed by the University of Chicago Medical Center found we get even less than we think with of average of 6.1 hours.

If you aren’t getting as much sleep as you should here are five good reasons to get a little more shut eye.

Weight Gain

Yes, weight gain. The hormones ghrelin and leptin are thought to regulate appetite and satiety and can be put out of balance by insufficient sleep causing weight gain. If you want to shed those extra pounds be sure you’re getting enough sleep each night.

Reduces Inflammation

Since sleep is restorative and relaxing there is less cortisol flooding the system. Cortisol is the stress hormone that leads to inflammation, which can contribute to arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and a host of other illnesses. Getting more sleep reduces stress, which in turn reduces inflammation.

Memory Booster

Memory consolidation occurs when we sleep. We sort out the day’s events – sometimes playing out in bizarre dreams – during REM sleep. During this time our brains are taking these experiences and making connections which lead to a better retrieval of memories. Every mother will tell you they had difficulty remembering the littlest things when their kids were younger, probably due to lack of sleep. Get the shut eye you need and your memory will be in tip top shape.

Be More Active

If we get the rest we need at night we’re more alert and active during the day. Being active during the days causes us to sleep better at night. What a great cycle to be in.

Reduces the Risk of Depression

Serotonin levels are restored when we sleep. High levels of serotonin create a sense of happiness while lower levels create a feeling of depressed mood. Getting the right amount of sleep each night regulates serotonin levels which helps stabilize moods.

If you aren’t getting enough sleep each night consider these tips for getting better sleep:

  • Remove the TV from your bedroom
  • Read for half an hour before you go to sleep
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol later in the evening
  • Drink warm milk (Grandma was right, it really does work)
  • Exercise during the day (but not right before bedtime)
  • Make sure your mattress and pillow are comfortable and offer good support
  • Wake and sleep at the same time each day – even on weekends
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