
With the recent death of Robin Williams depression has been headlining the news. I don’t think it was any secret that Robin Williams struggled with addiction but I think it was less well known that he was battling depression.

And that’s what depression is, it’s a battle. A battle that people struggle with for years. Some win, many don’t. In the coming weeks we’ll be discussing depression on this blog. We’ll offer tips on how to get through the darker days, where you can find support and coping strategies. If you have any suggestions we’d love to hear you.

If you struggle with depression please see someone. Talk to someone. Get some help. There is help out there. You aren’t alone even if feels like you are.

Here are some resources for help with depression:

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) – If you’re looking for a depression support group this is a great place to start. They list support groups by region, offer tools to help track their illness and provide information on clinical trials and research that might be of interest. It’s a great resource for those with bipolar disorder and depression.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Features the latest information on mental health illnesses, medication, and treatment and resources for support and advocacy. Other features include online discussion groups and fact sheets.

National Institute of Mental Health – Provides information on mental health issues including support and research.

American Psychological Association – Provides a wealth of knowledge about mental health, how to find support in your area and research that is currently being done on various mental health issues.

If you’re looking for information about depression in the Chicago area please call Locus Therapy at 312-218-7380 and we’ll help you find the help you need.

If you are in crisis please call 911.