De-Stress Before the Holidays

It’s still only September but the holiday season is quickly going to be upon us. Just browse any Target or Walgreens and you’ve been feeling it coming for a while now. It seems every year the holiday adds start sooner and sooner causing even more stress to an already stressful time. It’s simply not too early to start de-stressing for the upcoming holidays. In fact, if you do a little planning now you’ll enjoy the holidays more.

Here are some tips to making the upcoming holiday season as stress free as possible:

Do Ahead

If you can bake it, make it or buy it early do so. You might not be able to cook a 15lb turkey ahead of Thanksgiving (and you’ll get the best deal on it the week of the holiday, plus you have to store it) but you can do all kinds of other things to prepare for the big meal. Mashed potatoes can be made ahead and frozen for weeks. This will free your time up and be one less mess you’ll have to clean up. Do as much ahead of the big day as possible so you can enjoy your family and friends without worrying about preparing a big meal, or cleaning it up.

Shop Online

Avoid the stores altogether by shopping online. Many stores have pre Black Friday events, some even in July. Sometimes the savings aren’t worth the hassle of waiting in line or refreshing your browser every 30 seconds at midnight. If you find the item you want buy it. Go one step further and schedule to have it delivered to the recipient a day or two before the big day. Consider using a grocery delivery service too as they can save time and prevent you from impulse shopping.

Say No

Just say no when you don’t want to do something for someone else. The holidays are busy enough without committing yourself to a task you don’t want to do and aren’t likely to enjoy. Give your time sparingly so you are able to enjoy the holidays with the ones you love. Don’t feel guilty for saying no.

Get Organized

It might be too late in the season to rearrange the garage and install that Swedish shelving system you’ve had your eye on but studies show you’ll feel more in control if you can organize something. Take a stab at that pile of shoes in the bottom of your closet or go through the kids’ drawers and get rid of the clothing that doesn’t fit (then donate it a local charity so someone in need gets some good use out of it). You’ll feel as though you’ve accomplished something and that can be a great confidence booster and provide you with a sense of control.


Whether you sneak off to a quiet corner of the house to read that book you’ve been wanting to read since July or you steal a nap in the middle of a Sunday afternoon, don’t feel bad about taking care of yourself. The days are shorter and that causes changes in circadian rhythms as well as kick into gear Seasonal Affective Disorder for those who suffer from it. Take care of yourself and you’ll be much more fun to be around when the holidays get here.


Utilize your journal to vent when things get out of control. Use the journal instead of a spouse or child to take your frustration out on. Write down what you are feeling and how you plan to deal with it. Journal to reflect on the day and plan for tomorrow. Don’t underestimate the power of writing to calm a nervous soul.


Even if it’s just a walk around the park, getting a little exercise everyday is good for anxiety. Regular exercise lowers blood pressure, prevents overeating and nervous eating and soothes the mind in times of stress. Exercising also releases endorphins, the pleasure chemical in the brain.

Pamper Yourself

Get a massage or a mani/pedi if that makes you feel good. Go dancing or spend an afternoon browsing a used bookstore. Whatever it is that makes you feel good is something you should do at least once during the season but more often if time and budget allow. If time and budget don’t allow for a good pampering then make your own bath bomb and spend some time in the tub with a good book or glass of wine.

Get Away

If the holidays are too stressful consider getting away for them. There is no law that says you must spend a week preparing a meal for family, take a vacation and enjoy your time away.

You’re never going to be able to rid yourself of all holiday stress but if you start now you might have a much more organized and in control holiday. Don’t forget to have a sense of humor about the whole thing, a little laughter can go a long way to a great gathering even if the mashed potatoes are frozen solid.