Why Exercise is Harder for Some and Easier for Others

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight you’ve probably started a new workout routine. You might have even been really excited about getting active and becoming more fit. That is until you hit the gym, fitness studio or strapped on your running shoes and hit the trail.

It’s true that some of us just struggle more to exercise than others. For some it’s a pleasure while others feel as if it’s a punishment. Why is that? Why do some people have a harder time exercising than others?

Social psychologist Emily Balcetis was interested in this question and decided to dig deeper than just assuming one person is lazy while the other is more motivated or disciplined. What she found was not only interesting but could change the way we look at exercise, fitness and health.

What she found is that people see things differently.

Of course they do, we all know that, right?

What Dr. Balcetis found is that people who exercise more tend to see exercise as easier while those who struggle to workout see it, literally, as more difficult.

Watch for yourself and learn about the surprising solution to overcoming the difference.