Introvert or Extrovert

Do you love going to the clubs with your friends and dancing ’til closing time or would you prefer to curl up on your couch, with maybe the cat and a good book? Do you answer every text message, email and phone call when it comes in or do you let them wait until you’re ready to hear them and respond? Do you like giving presentations at your work place or do you prefer to sit in your cube (the one in the corner, away from everyone)?

Depending on how you answered these questions you’re either an Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert (someone who is a little bit of both).

Want to find out which one your are? Take this easy 12 question quiz (you don’t need to sign up to take it).

quiet-bookWhy is it important to know if you are an introvert or not? Because our society doesn’t cater to the introvert. From a young age we are gathered in large groups – in daycare, preschool and elementary school through university it is easier to teach large groups than focus one on one. For those who are naturally extroverted school and play groups can be wonderful. For those who are introvert it can be pure torture.

It’s important to know which one you are so you can be the best you. If you’re an introvert you’re going to shine on projects that don’t require working in large groups of people. If you’re an introvert you probably do your best work alone or with one other trusted colleague. Knowing if you are introverted or extroverted can help you find the career you’re meant for, the one you can bloom in instead of one you dread going to each day.

To learn more about the being an introvert check out Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.