Different Types of Depression

This month we’ve been talking about depression – the feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness – a very general term. There are many different types of depression and it can present itself differently in men, women, children and the elderly. What follows is how depression might present itself in the various demographics. As always, if you suffer from depression and feel as though you are in crisis please seek immediate medical attention. Call 911 of you feel you may harm yourself or someone else.

Depression in children – Because childhood is a time of growth and change, depression can go unnoticed and untreated until much later than it would in adults. Children experience the same persistent sadness, worthlessness and hopelessness that adults experience but without the self awareness to recognize that something might be off it may be brushed aside as a phase the child is going through. Signs include: isolation, irritability, changes in eating habits, changes in sleep patterns, feeling worthless and guilty, obsessive thoughts, and thoughts about death or suicide. If your child experiences any of these signs persistently, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Depression in the elderly – As we age we lose friends, loved ones, health, stamina and even our memory, but that doesn’t mean depression is a normal part of the aging process. Depression in the elderly can be due to changes in medication, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and lack of mental stimulation. Because most elderly patients focus on physical ailments rather than emotional ones (and accept that they may feel sad due to the changes and loss they experience during this age) diagnosis and treatment might be put off. If you suspect a loved one who is elderly may be suffering from depression please help them seek the appropriate medical attention.

Depression in men – Depression in men can be very different from depression in women. Men tend to hide their feelings of worthlessness and despair. They try to hide it by working more, seeking high risk activities like extra marital affairs and high risk activities like sky diving, bull riding, or fast driving. Men who suffer from depression can be more irritable, angry, reckless and abuse drugs and alcohol more frequently than their non depressed counterpart. Men experience depression half as much as women but their suicide rate is much higher making treatment imperative.

Depression in women – Women experience depression twice as much as men. This could be due to hormonal factors such as PMS, PMDD, post partum depression, and menopause. Signs include weight loss or weight gain, excessive sleep, lack of desire for sex, lack of routine hygiene, isolation, feelings of worthlessness and lack of motivation to do anything. Things that used to cause joy no longer due. Women are more likely than men to suffer from depression but they are also more likely to seek professional help for depression.

If you, or someone you know,  feels hopeless, worthless, has obsessive thoughts or just can’t seem to get unstuck please seek professional help. Call 312-818-4998 for more information about treatment for depression in the Chicago area.