Tips for Reducing Anxiety

If you suffer with anxiety you know how difficult it can be to calm yourself down. If you’re lucky you have someone you can call to talk you down or at least listen as you flirt with a full blown panic attack. If you aren’t so lucky to have someone like that, or they aren’t available there are several things you can do on your own to calm the anxiety that is bubbling up inside.

Not every tip will work for every person but try each one out and keep the ones that work while discarding the ones that don’t. It can be helpful to keep notes of what works to alleviate your tension and anxiety and it can also help pinpoint some of the triggers to panic attacks. Even the act of writing can be calming so if possible take notes.

1. Slow down – If you tend to pace when anxious then try to force yourself to sit still for a few moments. If you still must pace slow down your pace until you are able to stand or sit still.

2. Take a deep breath – Breathing exercises can be extremely helpful to prevent a panic attack and to alleviate one that has started. There are a lot of great breathing techniques available and even just slowing down your breathing is helpful. Click here for three breathing exercises that help reduce stress.

3. Do something – If you’re feeling stressed because you can’t seem to focus then consider creating a flow chart or vision board. You can do it using paper and glue or go to Pinterest to create a virtual one. Need to better organize your day? Try the Passion Planner. You can put all your thoughts, goals, dreams, and to do lists in one place. And it looks really cool.

4. Forgive yourself – If you’re feeling anxious because you made a mistake, turned in an assignment late or didn’t do as well on a project as you usually do then stop kicking yourself and instead try to forgive yourself. We’re all human and we all make mistakes. In fact the best way to learn new things is through mistakes.

5. Remind yourself you aren’t alone – Even if you are alone at the moment there is someone, somewhere on the planet, experiencing the same anxiety that your are. You aren’t the first person to feel this way and you won’t be the last.

6. This too shall pass – You may feel as if you are on a speeding roller coaster that you have absolutely no control over but remember that all rides eventually come to an end. This feeling of anxiety and fear will also come to an end. Remind yourself that these feelings, while scary, will come to an end. You can even make a mantra out of it… “this too shall pass, this too shall pass, this too shall pass…” say it until you believe and then say it until it actually happens.

7. Get Organized – Clean up your inbox or your sock drawer or anything that is currently cluttered. Creating order when you feel as if everything is chaotic can be very calming.

8. Take your anxiety to the conclusion – If you’re worried that something might happen then play out the whole scenario in the event that the thing did happen. What would you do? What would be the worst thing that happens if your worry comes true? How will you handle it when it does? Answer those questions and you will feel more prepared and less out of control.

9. Watch a favorite movie – Distract yourself with a movie, TV show or video game that gives you pleasure. Turn off the news or reality TV.

10. Exercise – do leg lifts, arm rotations or even just jog in place. Doing a mechanical or rote exercise can be calming in it’s repetition.